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Combatting Jet Lag

Jet lag hits me the worst—I become moody, irritable, and oftentimes down. I get it. Here are my recommendations for getting over the worst of your symptoms.

Exposure to sunlight: You need sun to regulate your circadian rhythm! So as tempting as it is to draw the blinds and sleep when you’re tired, you’ve gotta get some sunlight into your system. Even a quick walk or a cup of tea by the window helps. (Just make sure the tea is decaf!)

Stop scrolling: The overstimulation of incessant information—coupled with the blue light—will keep you awake! Scrolling has also been linked to anxiety and burnout, so it’s all around a habit to kick. I tend to develop FOMO as I’m scrolling, which keeps me from feeling grateful and in the moment.

Aromatherapy: One of my favorite aromas is lavender—so calming! I recommend getting an oil diffuser, or for an easier option (especially for when you’re not at home), sprinkle a bit of the oil around your pillow.

Don’t nap: This is the hardest one for me! Just push through--it’ll be worth it. There’s nothing worse than napping and then staying up all night.

Melatonin: Melatonin is a natural supplement that can help you fall and stay asleep. It's readily available in every pharmacy, though in Israel I found I couldn't get any without a subscription, so I usually bring a bottle along with me.

No alcohol: Alcohol is infamous for messing up your sleep. Even though it is a depressant, which will make you drowsy, it actually interferes with sleep quality and will leave you feeling crabbier than before.

Meditation: I really enjoy the app Balance, which is free for your first year of use. Getting some meditation in can help calm down anxious thoughts and ensure you get to sleep on time, in a peaceful state of mind.

Work out, but at the right time: Getting in some exercise--even a simple walk--can give me the energy boost I need, and help me to fall asleep at night. I recommend to not exercise close to bedtime, though, as this can pep you up and prevent you from falling asleep.

What tips and tricks do you have in fighting off jet lag?

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